You see other people drawing or admire their drawings and wish you could draw like this, too? Though, you think you don't have the talent for it? Well, you don’t need a special talent or have to practise excessively for years to be able to create a drawing that’s worth looking at. Everyone who really wants it can learn it. Especially, if you watch others drawing and you feel the urge to draw yourself, you should wait no longer.
These days there are so many possibilities to learn the basics, especially on the internet - and for free. Then, start by drawing every single day for at least six weeks. Five to ten minutes a day are enough, but don’t pause one day. You can start with simple, geometric subjects. This way you’ll train your eye-hand-coordination. Your hand learns to transfer onto paper what your eyes see. Drawing has a lot to do with seeing. Take your time to look at your subject closely. Look at it like you have never seen anything like it before. Yes, it takes a bit of discipline to do this, but in my experience it's essential.
Drawing is a trade that you have to practise to master it. Only by doing it will you improve. Regularity is important. And indivituality is more important than perfection. Drawing is not copying and a drawing is allowed to look like a drawing. There are cameras for photorealism.
Drawing is not mainly about the product. Yes, it’s great when the result looks pleasing. Though, the process of seeing something come into existence, on that blank piece of paper in front of you, is more important. It’s about creating something that hasn’t been there before, not in this way. Every drawing is unique, no matter if you are drawing from an object or a photo or from fantasy.
And even if you are not satisfied with a drawing at first, don't give up hope. One is often too critical directly after drawing something. Put it aside and look at it again hours, weeks or even months later. You may only then see the beauty in it.
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