I have had a Lamy fountain pen for about 25 years, but I haven't used it for ages. Yesterday I bought ink cartridges for it, with blue-black ink. After cleaning the nib a bit, it works fine.
Now I'm thinking of using it for drawing. It seems, a lot of people like to draw with Lamy fountain pens. You can certainly do beautiful drawings in ink, using hatching and crosshatching and all kinds of lines. This way you can create intriguing textures. I think, I really have to try it out with the right subject. Or maybe any subject will do. Let's see.
The good thing is, the paper of my current sketchbook is smooth enough for using ink. And the 120 gsm of it are heavy enough for the ink not to bleed through. Now I'm curious what I will create with this new drawing tool.
Now I'm thinking of using it for drawing. It seems, a lot of people like to draw with Lamy fountain pens. You can certainly do beautiful drawings in ink, using hatching and crosshatching and all kinds of lines. This way you can create intriguing textures. I think, I really have to try it out with the right subject. Or maybe any subject will do. Let's see.
The good thing is, the paper of my current sketchbook is smooth enough for using ink. And the 120 gsm of it are heavy enough for the ink not to bleed through. Now I'm curious what I will create with this new drawing tool.
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