I have a style. I didn‘t chose it. It just happened. It‘s the result of how I like to work and what I like to work with. First, I sketch out my drawing in pencil. Then I go over the lines with ink. Finally, I colour it with coloured pencils, whereas I don‘t spend many hours on a drawing. My sketchbook has many more pages to be filled. I don‘t know if my style is good in any objective way, but it‘s my style and I like it. It would be great if other people really liked it, but in the end it is what it is. And I do my drawings for myself in the first place. Anyway, if I don‘t overdo them, I think the style of my drawings is somewhere between realistic and illustrative. This is how I like them best and I would love to deliberately persue this more.
My name is Sylvia and I love being creative.