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Showing posts from April, 2019

Sketchbook Revival 2

Sketchbook Revival is back. It started today and I'm in. One of today's sessions was held by Carla Sonheim . We were provided a photo of, well, sidewalk cracks and shown how to see and draw funny creatures inspired by them. This is so not what I normally do, but I tried it and came up with some funny creature. Part of it is directly inspired by the photo, part of it is improvised. It looks a bit like a beetle and with those legs it certainly can only hop around. Still, I'm fairly positive it is happy to have a home in my sketchbook. Looking forward to an interesting workshop.

Strange Flowers

In the Virtual Sketchwalk group we did Tasmania last month, which, of course, is part of Australia. As Australia has some unique animals, I thought it must also have some unique plants. So today I did some research on Wikipedia and found one that I found interesting. It's called Kangaroo Paw and a drawing of it is now in my sketchbook. I think this would be an interesting project. Look for unusual flowers and other plants and draw them.  Drawing flowers is always nice and there must be so many out there all over the world you don't know and that look special. That doesn't mean I won't do anything else for the time being, but whenever there is nothing else I want to draw, I can look for an exotic plant an draw that.