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Showing posts from August, 2017


Our Virtual Sketchwalk guide has taken us to Barcelona this month. There we explore buildings designed by Gaudi. One of our members presumes he must have been on acid or something. At any rate, this guy had lots of fantasy. When I first browsed the album with all the photos Kate had collected I thought: how interesting. Then I was looking for the first photo to sketch from, looking at the photos with a different view, with the view of an artist, trying to anticipate how I could draw this or that. And I realised that this would be a real challenge. I decided to focus on details rather than whole buildings. So I started with a stained glass window and a door with stained glass elements. So far, so good. Then there are these quite bizzare chimneys that somehow look like faces. When I first tried to draw them, I tried to get every angle correct and soon gave up. Maybe it was just not the right time to tackle it. Maybe I was too impatient. Anyway, yesterday I chose to go for it again. T...